Hello, welcome to my Drum Beat’s blog.
I aim to put something on here ever couple of weeks, or so. Mostly it’ll be about drum stuff, but it’ll also include info about the band in general.
On this first blog, I’ll talk a bit about my kit. I am current the owner of a early 80’s Ludwig Maple big beat kit, which I’ve been gigging with it of late. It’s all big sizes, producing big deep sounds – really suits our band. The bass drum is thunderous – “I love it!” Then I have a Coliseum snare and additionally a Manu Katche brass Yamaha snare, both are great sounding work horses. It’s good to have the two extremes to choose from – this gives me something to tailor my sound with when playing different rooms live.
Over the years I’ve owned several different makes of kit, but at the moment I have the Ludwig and a Tama Star Classic (4 piece) fusion kit.
I’ve always spent time tuning and swapping drums heads in an effort to get the best out of a drum – what a big difference this can make. I’m getting close to knowing how to best tune my current kit but not mastered it yet, but enjoying every minute trying. I’ve been using the same Premier hardware for the last 33 years, and it still has great chrome finish.
Though I did record with another Ludwig some years ago, I haven’t recorded with this Ludwig kit as yet. But I’m looking forward to doing so soon, as we have lots of exciting new material – which I can’t wait to try out new ideas an techniques on, both parts and sounds.
Hopefully…. No I sure this Lugwig kit will record a huge and powerfully, where needed of course – and thump out the grooves along with Billy’s bass.
Below is a picture or two of my previous kits.